Late last year, a book that I co-edited with Marcus Adams, Whiskey & Philosophy, was published (Wiley); this complements the previously-published Wine & Philosophy and Food & Philosophy. Doing the book was a lot of fun–in no small part because of all the whiskey we got to drink!–and I strongly commend it to interested readers. Reviews are starting to come up and we just got a full-page review in Malt Advocate. And here are two others: Review by Davin de Kergommeaux in Malt Maniacs 115 (2009), E-pistle 2009-34. Review by Hans Offringa and Becky Offringa, Charleston Mercury, January 19, 2010, p. 19.
Let us know what you think of the book, and what whiskey you were drinking while reading! Also, check other out titles in the Philosophy for Everyone series. Here’s the cover: